INBRA Chemical Industries
Time Line

With the rapid growth of the business, it was soon necessary to move the premises in 1940 to Rua dos Prazeres, in Brás. In the years that followed, the company started selling in the textile market.

In 1943, the first major step was taken with the construction of a warehouse in an area of 3,500m² on Rua Serra das Bocainas in São Paulo, financed entirely with own resources.

In the 50's, the current facilities did no longer accommodate the size of the company. So a new plant was built in Diadema town on a 24,000 m² property. Installed in this new site, Inbra was now able to expand its product portfolio, starting the production of plasticizers and stabilizers for the PVC market.

Investing extensively in research and development, Inbra launched a series of new products, such as Blowing Agents (Azodicarbonamide) and Epoxidized Soybean Oil.

INBRA associates itself with a German multinational, starting the production of lead-based solid stabilizers for PVC and products for the treatment of metallic surfaces.

Alligned with our strategy of good practised, Inbra became NBR ISO 9001 certified, demonstrating our commitment to quality and high technical standards.

Development of a new line of solid thermal stabilizers for PVC based on calcium and zinc, as well as the start of the metallic stearates line and expansion of the epoxidized soybean oil line.

Inauguration of Elias Fausto Subsidiary in São Paulo State, consolidating the company as one of the main suppliers of additives for the PVC market in South America

The Inbraflex line of Primary Plasticizers based on vegetable oil is launched, making Inbra one of the pioneers in the sector in the world.

The Group's first international unit opens in Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. Focused on vegetable plasticizers, Inbra is the only company in the world with vegetable oil epoxidation assets in both hemispheres of the planet.

With over 80 years of experience, Inbra has established itself as one of the largest and most respected companies in the segment, proud of its name and history being associated with quality, respect and innovation.

Ao completar 85 anos, a Inbra segue seu caminho rumo ao futuro ao renovar toda a sua identidade. Confiança e evolução desde 1939.
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